In 2007  Tower Optical Corporation received its first registration certificate for ISO 9001.  As of this date, we are pleased to display our most current certification – For ISO 9001:2015.

The following documents are available for viewing in Adobe PDF format.

ISO 9001 Certificate 


Quality Systems. This service is to evaluate whether their suppliers/factories have adequate production capability, reasonable working conditions, effective management, and a quality control process. In the auditing process, auditors review the documents relating to production and quality control systems and also verify their implementation of the systems. In addition, our auditors check the specification and the working condition of the production and testing equipment relevant to the buyer’s specified products. Reports concluding the findings and recommendations on the capabilities of the production facilities will be sent for consideration for certification.

Click Here For FAQs on ISO 9001:2015

For manufacturing of precision optics, contact Tower Optical at our Direct Phone Number 561 740-2525.  We stock thousands of Waveplates, Beamsplitters, Prisms, Lenses, Optical Mirrors, Optical Windows, Polarizers, Beam Expanders, Filters, and Precision Optical Flats.